Race 1 Finished
Winning Results
1stNo.4Change Your Luck
2ndNo.5Valhallas Palace
3rdNo.3Order Ofthe Kettle
#3 - Order Ofthe Kettle
ODDS: 2-5
Jockey: Anthony Radcliffe
TRAINER: Kieron Magee
Race 2 Finished
Winning Results
1stNo.7Estrella Fugaz
2ndNo.4In High Gear
3rdNo.1Salty Starkey
#3 - Dog Town Allen
ODDS: 14-1
Jockey: Anthony Radcliffe
TRAINER: Glenn N. Harrison
Race 3 Finished
Winning Results
1stNo.7Buddy Buddy
2ndNo.3One Candy Castle
3rdNo.8Raise a Ruckus
#9 - Dontcalltooearly
ODDS: 17-1
Jockey: Anthony Radcliffe
TRAINER: Michael G. Atkins
Race 5 Finished
Winning Results
2ndNo.7Lovely Lucy
3rdNo.2Breaking Bullet
#8 - Hidden River
ODDS: 65-1
Jockey: Anthony Radcliffe
TRAINER: Michael G. Atkins
Race 7 Finished
Winning Results
1stNo.7Rebel Rebel
3rdNo.2Lil Rainwater
#3 - Need a Miracle
ODDS: 33-1
Jockey: Anthony Radcliffe
TRAINER: Robert Leaf, Jr.
Race 9 Finished
Winning Results
1stNo.4Crown That Saint
2ndNo.2Time the Avenger
3rdNo.8Hes a Commisioner
#9 - Ghostlyprince
ODDS: 7-1
Jockey: Anthony Radcliffe
TRAINER: Stephen Murdock